Courses Training Programs About Usعربي

Day One - 16/8/2020

On the first day of camp, we will start learning how to set up your home laboratory and ensure safety procedures. Then you will be ready to carry out your first mission for the day.

  • The first mission: Building a simplified electronic circuit.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day One

Chapter 1

Overview of the camp

Chapter 2

Preparing your technical lab at home and safety rules

Chapter 3

Introduction to building robots

Chapter 4 - Mission 1

Building a simplified electronic circuit

Virtual Class

Day Two - 17/8/2020

On this day, we will learn about the electronic piece that represents the robot's brain, and it is called the Arduino. We will know its components, the purpose of its use, and how to program it.

  • The second mission : Turn on the electronic lamp and make it flash intermittently by programming it using the Arduino
  • The third mission : Programming the electronic key to control the lamp.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Two

Chapter 5

Learn about the robot brain – the Arduino

Chapter 6 - Mission 2

Programming the electronic bulb

To complete mission 2, you will need the attached programming code here

Chapter 7 - Mission 3

The electronic key

To accomplish mission 3, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Three - 18/8/2020

Today we will learn how to control signals and types of signals.

  • The fourth mission : Control the intensity of lighting the lamp using the variable resistance device.
  • The fifth mission : Controlling the power of the lamp by adjusting the pulse width (PWM)

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Three

Chapter 8

Learn about signals and their types

Chapter 9 - Mission 4

Learn about the mechanisms of power control (variable resistor)

To accomplish mission 4, you will need the attached programming code here
A figure describing how to connect wires and parts here

Chapter 10

PWM technology for pulse width modulation control a comparison of the two mechanisms

To accomplish mission 5, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Four - 19/8/2020

We will learn about the electronic beeper, how it works and how to connect it to the Arduino to control it. We will also learn about the types of motors and their uses.

  • The sixth mission : Connect the electronic beeper to the Arduino to program and control it.
  • The seventh mission: Connecting the servo motor to the Arduino to program and control it.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Four

Chapter 11 - Mission 6

Whistle control

To accomplish mission 6, you will need the attached programming code here

Chapter 12 - Mission 7

Servo motor

To accomplish mission 7, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Five - 20/8/2020

Today we will learn about the motor controller (which is the part that controls the motors) and how it is used for instead of connecting the motors to the Arduino directly. We will learn how to program it and connect it to the wheel and battery motors.

  • The eighth mission: Connecting the wheel motors to the motor controller and programming it to control the movement.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Five

Chapter 13 - Mission 8

Motors and motor drivers

To accomplish mission 8, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Six - 23/8/2020

Today we will learn about sensors, what are their types and the uses of each type. We will focus in particular on the distance sensor (ultrasound sensor) which tells the robot the dimensions of the objects around it.

  • The ninth mission: Connecting the ultrasound sensor to the Arduino and programming it to calculate the distance between the sensor and the objects in front of it.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Six

Chapter 14

Learn about sensors

Chapter 15 - Mission 9

The ultrasound sensor

To accomplish mission 9, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Seven - 24/8/2020

We will get to know the infrared sensor. It is a sensor that we can use to learn colors and also to calculate distances. We'll find out why we sometimes need to use the potentiometer with the infrared sensor.

  • The tenth mission: Connect the infrared sensor to the Arduino and show the sensor readings to know a specific color or distance of an object.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Seven

Chapter 16 - Mission 10

The infrared sensor

To accomplish mission 10, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Eight - 25/8/2020

Today we will learn how to build the robot’s body, which is the body of the robot, which will contain the sensors, motors and controls and we learn how to operate in the previous days.

  • The eleventh mission: Building the robot body

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Eight

Chapter 17 - Mission 11

The installation of the robot body

Virtual Class

Day Nine - 26/8/2020

Today we will put everything we learned into an integrated robot. We will work with you to install and equip a smart robot that will follow a steady path. The appropriate sensors will be installed in place on the robot’s body and programmed to make the robot follow a black line on the floor of your room.

  • Twelfth mission: Implement a smart robot project that tracks a specific path on the floor of your room.

To get started, watch today's videos to help you with achieving your missions

Day Nine

Chapter 18 - Mission 12

Making a robot that tracks a black line

To accomplish mission 12, you will need the attached programming code here
Virtual Class

Day Ten - 27/8/2020

Today is different from previous days. You now have the skills to innovate, build your own project in your lab, and then share it with the world. Today's videos will help you know how to choose the right project for you and how to find the right materials to build your project.

  • Final mission: Build your own project and share it with the world

Day Ten

Chapter 19 - Last mission

Build your own project

Virtual Class